Steve Jobs


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

But the death of Steve Jobs, the visionary genius who reshaped the world, was marked with the love and respect reserved for the most illustrious of cultural icons.
TOKYO: People left iPads and iPhones displaying candle graphics at an Apple store in the Ginza shopping district TOKYO: People left iPads and iPhones displaying candle graphics at an Apple store in the Ginza shopping district
TOKYO: The iconic apple has been a popular tribute at temporary shrines around the world TOKYO: The iconic apple has been a popular tribute at temporary shrines around the world
MALAYSIA: Customers write condolence post-it notes to place on a memorial board at the company's store in Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA: Customers write condolence post-it notes to place on a memorial board at the company's store in Kuala Lumpur
At Apple's headquarters in CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, mourners gathered outside to lay flowers and light candles throughout the night.
Students had spelt out Jobs's name in Chinese characters. Among the tributes were a handful of apples.
The company's flags were flying at half-mast today as staff came to terms with the death of the man who had revolutionised technology.
NEW YORK: People gather outside the Apple Flagship store on 5th Avenue to mark Jobs's death NEW YORK: People gather outside the Apple Flagship store on 5th Avenue to mark Jobs's death
SPAIN: A minimalist tribute of flowers and a picture of Jobs was placed outside the Apple store in Barcelona
SPAIN: A minimalist tribute of flowers and a picture of Jobs was placed outside the Apple store in Barcelona
CUPERTINO: The floral tribute at Apple's California headquarters continued to grow today CUPERTINO: The floral tribute at Apple's California headquarters continued to grow today
Peter O'Reilly knew something was wrong as shoppers perused iPhones, iPads and laptop computers on Wednesday evening, and an employee with a sombre look started to cry. She told him the news.

'I can't imagine a world without Apple products,' said Mr O'Reilly, a 33-year-old electrician visiting from Ireland.

Marks of respect soon flowed from around the world. "iSad" was a trending topic on Twitter. Mac Users Group Mexico released a statement that concluded, "Let's breathe deeply and say VIVA STEVE JOBS!"
Memorial: A shrine quickly sprang up outside Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, California, last night after the company announced the death of Steve Jobs at the age of 56
Global recognition: Chinese students from nearby De Anza College used candles to create the Apple logo and Steve Jobs' last name in Chinese characters at the site Global recognition: Chinese students from nearby De Anza College used candles to create the Apple logo and Steve Jobs' last name in Chinese characters at the site
Legendary: Among the flowers and candles were a selection of apples, a poignant tribute to the company Jobs founded Legendary: Among the flowers and candles were a selection of apples, a poignant tribute to the company Jobs founded
Mark of respect: The company flew its flags at its headquarters at half-mast today. Staff were informed about Jobs's death in an email yesterday Mark of respect: The company flew its flags at its headquarters at half-mast today. Staff were informed about Jobs's death in an email yesterday
Women hug before entering Steve Jobs' house in Palo Alto, Calif
Neighbours embrace outside Steve Jobs' house in Palo Alto, Calif
Shock: Mourners hug each other before entering Jobs's house in Palo Alto, California (left) while a mother and son stand embracing in the street outside
Respected: A floral shrine had also begun to form in the street outside the house Respected: A floral shrine had also begun to form in the street outside the house
Remembered: A message painted outside Apple's flagship store on New York's 5th Avenue Remembered: A message painted outside Apple's flagship store on New York's 5th Avenue
Tribute: A apple with the word 'bye' carved into it sits outside an Apple store in Pasadena, California Tribute: A apple with the word 'bye' carved into it sits outside an Apple store in Pasadena, California
RIP: Apolline Arnaud, 12, a neighbour of Steve Jobs, writes a message in front of his home in Palo Alto, California RIP: Apolline Arnaud, 12, a neighbour of Steve Jobs, writes a message in front of his home in Palo Alto, California
There were more traditional tributes closer to Silicon Valley. People placed flowers and scrawled chalk messages in front of the gates of Jobs' PALO ALTO home, where family and friends gathered.
Someone wrote 'Thank you Steve' in lipstick on the window of an Apple Store in Santa Monica.
At the SAN FRANCISCO Apple Store in Union Square, a crowd started forming. A few dabbed their eyes. Others huddled in small groups around their iPhones reading the details of Mr Jobs' passing.
LONDON: The now familiar flowers and apples appeared outside the Apple store in Regent Street LONDON: The now familiar flowers and apples appeared outside the Apple store in Regent Street
 Hong Kong
Hong Kong
HONG KONG: At an Apple store, customers laid flowers and tributes by a model of the company's former CEO who stepped down earlier this year
HONG KONG: The store and switched off the light on its Apple logo as a mark of respect HONG KONG: The store and switched off the light on its Apple logo as a mark of respect
Chiu left a sunflower, a reference to the photo app on the iPod, iPhone and iPad, which uses the flower for its icon.
Cards read 'Steve Jobs' spirit lives forever' and 'We will miss you'.
Apple fan club chairman Derek Ngai called Mr Jobs a 'visionary' and a 'hero'.
CHINA: A man places a bouquet of white carnations beside a photo of Steve Jobs outside an Apple store in Beijing
TAIWAN: In the Apple store in Taipei every computer screen showed an image of the company's founder
CHINA: Flowers were also laid outside an Apple store in Shanghai as news of Jobs's death spread around the world CHINA: Flowers were also laid outside an Apple store in Shanghai as news of Jobs's death spread around the world

The worlds of politics, business, sport and entertainment joined forces today to pay tribute to Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.
Some of the most poignant words came from his greatest business rivals, people who admired him both as a competitor and as a man.
Bill Gates, founder of rival company Microsoft and Mr Jobs's friend: "The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come.'
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg: 'Steve, thank you for being a mentor and a friend. Thanks for showing that what you build can change the world. I will miss you.'
Tim Cook, who replaced Mr Jobs as Apple chief executive: 'Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.'
Barack Obama: 'He transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world.'
Former prime minister Tony Blair: 'As much as anyone in any walk of life in the early 21st century he changed people's lives simply by imagination and determination. His memory will serve as a symbol of what the human mind can achieve.'
BBC Director General Mark Thompson: 'It's hard to think of anyone who changed our world more over the last 10 years.'
The writer and comedian Stephen Fry wrote: 'Woke to the news of Steve Jobs's death. He changed the world. I knew him a little and admired him entirely. Love to Apple and his family.'
Manchester City FC's Italian striker Mario Balotelli wrote: 'RIP Steve Jobs, your iPad got me through many boring benching sessions.'
Referring to the improved, updated versions of iPhones, comedian David Baddiel joked: 'If only God was more like Apple, and could bring him back as Steve Jobs 2S.'
BBC Radio 2 presenter Jeremy Vine described Mr Jobs as an 'utter genius' and 'officially irreplaceable'.
Journalist and author Tony Parsons put Mr Jobs' death alongside John Lennon's and Clash frontman Joe Strummer.
'The death of Steve Jobs recalls the grateful sadness felt when John Lennon and Joe Strummer died. One dreaming man truly can change the world.'
David Cameron and Labour leader Ed Miliband both paid tribute to Mr Jobs using Twitter.
Mr Cameron said: 'Steve Jobs transformed the way we work and play; a creative genius who will be sorely missed. Our thoughts are with his family.'
Mr Miliband said: 'Very sad to hear about the death of Steve Jobs. His work had a huge impact on our lives and he inspired thousands of young minds.'
Ratan Tata, chairman of Tata Sons, the global business group: 'Apple's products, under his leadership, have had a profound impact on mankind, unequalled by any other company in the information and technology space.'
LONDON: Apple fans take photographs of the floral tribute outside the company's regent street store LONDON: Apple fans take photographs of the floral tribute outside the company's regent street store
LONDON: A message was left with an apple and a single white rose LONDON: A message was left with an apple and a single white rose


Millions of people used the technology Steve Jobs invented to pay tribute to him.
Tapping out comments on iPhones and iPads as well as the devices produced by Jobs’s rivals, Apple fans deluged social network sites with their messages.
Twitter hashtags #iSad and #ThankYouSteve were two of the most popular forums for tributes.
Dino Lazaro was one of thousands to retweet a simple sentence which summed up the mood.
‘3 Apples that changed the world: the one Eve ate, the one that fell on Newton's head & the one that Steve built. #iSad,’ he wrote.
Hillery Andani tweeted ‘#iSad because the creator of apple just passed away.
‘#ThankyouSteve for your cleverness of creating the apple products. You’ll be missed’.
Another ubiquitous post ‘Retweet if you are touching an Apple product,’ was tweeted by iFiddy Oloye 1.
Naveen R Kukreja also used Twitter to thank Jobs.
‘You left your mark on our desk, on our ears and in our hands.’
AlyaaGad tweeted ‘iWake, iCheck, iCry. RIP Steve Jobs; you were the greatest leader humanity ever knew.’
Comparisons to great historical figures were also abundant.
Ganyet posted this equation. ‘Steve Jobs = Thomas A. Edison + Walt Disney’
Jonathan Moss, meanwhile, tweeted the following message.
‘Steve Jobs was born out of wedlock, put up for adoption at birth, dropped out of college, then changed the world. What's your excuse?’
Scott Robbins, 34, a barber from San Francisco and an Apple fan for nearly 20 years, said he came as soon as he heard the news.

'To some people, this is like Elvis Presley or John Lennon - it's a change in our times,' Mr Robbins said. 'It's the end of an era, of what we've known Apple to be. It's like the end of the innovators.'
Tributes were also left at the Apple store in NEW YORK. Although the shop was busy throughout the night, few people appeared to be buying.
Instead they gathered inside to talk about Jobs and remember his extraordinary life.
One customer began to sob when he was asked about the 56-year-old's death, according to ABC News. He was holding his iPad in his arms.
In LONDON, people had started to leave flowers outside the Apple store on Regent Street before the shop had even opened.
In CHINA, one of the company's fastest growing markets, Henry Men Youngfan said he was shocked by the news that his hero had died.
The 27-year-old doctoral student in Beijing bought his first Apple product in 2006 and travelled by train to Hong Kong in September to attend the opening of the company's first store there.
When he entered graduate school at Peking University's college of engineering, Mr Men said, 'my teachers asked me what kind of person I wanted to be and I told them I wanted to be like Steve'.
Li Zilong, who was listening to his iPod in front of a Beijing Apple store, worried that Apple's innovation died along with its co-founder.
'Jobs was a legendary figure; every company needs a spiritual leader,' said the 20-year-old university student. 'Without Jobs, I don't know if Apple can give us more classic products, like the iPhone 4.'
Apple fans in HONG KONG laid flowers in memory of Steve Jobs at the company's recently opened store in the city.
One Apple fan who gave only his surname, Chiu, said he was 'just sorry' to hear of the founder's death from cancer at the age of 56 and said he 'should have lived longer'.
HONG KONG: Newspaper front pages were dominated by the death of the Apple founder HONG KONG: Newspaper front pages were dominated by the death of the Apple founder

Steve Jobs

Alvida! Steve Jobs

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe that was the right thing for them. We chose a different path. Our belief was that if we kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallets.
Steve Jobs

Apple's market share is bigger than BMW's or Mercedes's or Porsche's in the automotive market. What's wrong with being BMW or Mercedes?
Steve Jobs

Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.
Steve Jobs

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.
Steve Jobs

I think we're having fun. I think our customers really like our products. And we're always trying to do better.
Steve Jobs

I want to put a ding in the universe.
Steve Jobs

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.
Steve Jobs

It is piracy, not overt online music stores, which is our main competitor.
Steve Jobs

It took us three years to build the NeXT computer. If we'd given customers what they said they wanted, we'd have built a computer they'd have been happy with a year after we spoke to them - not something they'd want now.
Steve Jobs

Pretty much, Apple and Dell are the only ones in this industry making money. They make it by being Wal-Mart. We make it by innovation.
Steve Jobs

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.
Steve Jobs

The people who are doing the work are the moving force behind the Macintosh. My job is to create a space for them, to clear out the rest of the organization and keep it at bay.
Steve Jobs

To turn really interesting ideas and fledgling technologies into a company that can continue to innovate for years, it requires a lot of disciplines.
Steve Jobs

You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new.
Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is dead. The Apple chairman and former CEO who made personal computers, smartphones, tablets, and digital animation mass-market products passed away today. We're going to miss him. Deeply, and personally.

Steven P. Jobs passed away on October 5th, 2011 after a long struggle with pancreatic cancer. He was just 56 years old. We mourn his passing, and wish his family the very best.

Let's address this up front: Gizmodo and Steve Jobs had, at best, a tumultuous relationship. Yet no matter how much he may have hated us, we admired him.

No, that's not quite right. We loved him.

He was the reason many of us got into this industry, or even care about technology at all. He made the computer personal, and the smartphone fun. Bill Gates may have put a computer on every office desk, but it was Steve Jobs who put one in every dorm room and bedroom and living room. And then, years later, he repeated the trick, putting one in every bag and every pocket, thanks to the iPad and iPhone. If you use a computer or smartphone today, it is either one he created, or an imitation of his genius.

He changed the way movies are made, the way music is sold, the way stories are told, the very way we interact with the world around us. He helped us work, and gave us new ways to play. He was a myth made man.

Prior to Steve Jobs, computers were alien to most of us. They were accessible to few people without an engineering degree. Not merely because of their complex operating procedures, but also because they were so cold and so inhuman. Jobs understood that they could be something more than that. That while computers would never be people, he could endow them with humanity. He could transform them into machines that not only anyone could use, but that everyday people would enjoy using thanks to the art of great design. He made them something that would be part of our lives. And he did that again and again.

His life story is familiar, but it deserves repeating. He was given up for adoption by his unmarried parents. He grew up in California, and was very much a product of that place and time. He took drugs. He got into phone hacking. Both were precursers to what would always be his interest: changing the status quo.

In 1976 he started Apple in a garage. Together with Steve Wozniak, he shipped the first true fully-built personal computer, the Apple I. He drove development of the Mac, understanding that it was the future of computers. The great thing that we would all see. He brought in a grown up to run the company. And that grown up forced him out of the company that he built and into the wilderness.

While he was gone, he started NeXT computer. The NeXT operating system would form the underpinnings of Apple's OS X, and iOS.

He also started the best movie studio of the past 30 years. Pixar's films were innovative, to be sure. It pushed the boundaries of CGI to such an extent that even today its early films still look great. But technology is only a tool. As with everything else he understood that great technology alone is not enough. It must be human to have an impact. Pixar movies tell stories. They make grown men cry. That was the impact of Steve Jobs.

He became a family man. He reunited with his biological mother, and his sister, the writer Mona Simpson. He married. He had children. He was, by all accounts, a great dad. It was his role as husband and father that helped drive his second act at Apple.

After his return to Apple, the company began shipping iconic product after iconic product. Products that defined a decade. The iMac, OS X, the iPod, iTunes (which was very good, before it was very bad), the iPhone, the iPad. All of these were deeply human products. They reflected his understanding of how technology was used not only in the workplace, but in the home. In his keynotes, product demos typically showed not executives, but families.

He made Apple into the most valuable company in the world.

He never met his biological father.

He accomplished so many things, in so many fields that it's tempting to compare Jobs to someone from the past. A Thomas Edison or a Ben Franklin or even a Leonardo Da Vinci. We tend to do that because it helps us understand. But it does him a disservice. He was unique. His own person. Our own person.

He was our emblematic genius. In 100 years, when historians talk about the emergence of the age of intelligent machines, it is Steve Jobs they will hold up as the great exemplar of our era.

They will remember his flaws, too. When Atari hired Jobs and Woz to write the code for the iconic Atari game Breakout, the pair earned a $5000 bonus for completing the work, largely done by Woz. But Jobs kept the bonus a secret, and only paid his partner $375. When his daughter Lisa was born in 1978, he spent two years denying he was her father. His denials forced her and her mother to support themselves on welfare. In the workplace he's often been described as temperamental and even petulant. He could be arrogant and unforgiving.

He was not a god. He was simply a man.

Yet for all his faults, he changed the world. He made it better.

He once famously asked of a critic "what have you done that's so great?" For Jobs, the answer to that question was very nearly unlimited.

Our world will be less interesting, less exciting, and less meaningful without him.

Goodbye, Mr. Jobs. We will miss you so very much.

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