It hurts when you have someone..

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It hurts when you have someone in your heart,
But you can't have them in your arms

I'm better off without you
I'm better off you know
We're nothing more than strangers
With nowhere else to go
But like a fool I'll stay by your side
Knowing that you won't believe me
When I say I've tried

A heart will break tonight
Make no mistake I'll lie awake tonight
A heart will break and I won't feel the same
'Cos you stay just the same as you are
And a heart will break tonight

We made no commitment
We made only words
It's no consolation that we're free like the birds
'Cos who needs to fly like they do
There's only one reason I'm staying
It's 'cos I love you...I do

A heart will break tonight
Make no mistake I'll lie awake tonight
A heart will break and I won't feel the same
'Cos you stay just the same as you are
And a heart will break tonight

A heart will break tonight
Make no mistake I'll lie awake tonight
A heart will break and I won't feel the same
'Cos you stay just the same as you are
And a heart will break tonight
Tonight it's gonna break
Don't know if I'll make it
Thru' the night...Oh oh oh oh...

when we met, time flew faster,
we talk a lot but it never ends,
time stops us to sit and talk because its time to go,
i asked time why don't you stop for while,
that we complete our talk and then u start running again,
he said NO because lots of people who love is waiting for their time to
so please its your time to go,
we looked each other,
eyes talked something n tears came,
heart started beating n crying,
Don't Go, don't leave me,
i am yours keep me with you always,
next day is another day we will meet for sure,
before that, a dark night and thought of yours,
Make me unhappy and i miss u a lot,
nights are longer n time flew slower than ever,
One Day i need to go far,we talked and thought time will go faster,
but again time flew slower than ever,
then i back someday and met you once again,
eyes talked and cried a lot,
I love you a lot and won't be able to live without you !!


What a Friend is

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Dozen Roses For My Friends..

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Decide to be happy today,

Thursday, June 23, 2011

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